<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/0901a6e7-f6db-47d6-bee4-8bcd02bd60a8/Logo_Collective_Icon.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/0901a6e7-f6db-47d6-bee4-8bcd02bd60a8/Logo_Collective_Icon.png" width="40px" /> Cette section est dédiée à la présentation d’exemples de collectifs. À adapter selon votre business.


Voir les collectifs

Collectives : Uses-Cases

A strong & focused start point to run our Flywheel

Starting with a digital-focused GtM (Product, Code & Development, Marketing Digital, Communication, Data, Business & Consulting), we confirmed several end-to-end use-cases where collectives make sense for clients & freelancers, especially:

NB: those squads can also be used for a more specific need (e.g. UX+Dev, Dev, Design, SEO,...), though providing the opportunity to up-sell & cover larger needs in the future

Many new horizons to be further explored - already tested

We also experienced other use-cases (projects submitted or willingness from freelancers) where the collective model could also create high-value for independents & companies: